Wonderfull workshop this week in Les Houches on 1D/2D quantum gases
http://leshouches2023.quantumoptics.fr, thanks to the support of @AgenceRecherche
The following speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Isabelle Bouchoule
- Maxime Olshanii
- Jean-Philippe Brantut
- Hélène Perrin
- Patrizia Vignolo
- Iacopo Carusotto
- Jacopo De Nardis
- Jacqueline Bloch
- Giacomo Roati
- Nir Navon
- Dario Ballarini
- Leonardo Mazza
- Jérome Dubail
- David Weiss
- Nicolas Pavloff
- Quentin Glorieux
- Nicolas Cherroret
- Mathias Albert, InPhyNi, Nice
- Quentin Glorieux, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris
- Isabelle Bouchoule, Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau
Jérôme Dubail, LPCT, Nancy-Metz
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